2021 Medicare Supplement Expo
2021 Medicare Supplement Expo
If you are retiring soon, turning 65 in the next six months, or currently enrolled in a plan but not completely satisfied, join us from your couch or your kitchen table and learn more about Medicare and Blue!
Did you know?
Medicare only covers 80% of your health care costs.
Need a plan to help bridge the gap?
Medicare Supplement plans are here to step in!
Tom will walk you through:
- The parts of Medicare
- What Medicare covers
- Benefits of a Medicare Supplement Plan
- New, exclusive benefits for BlueCross members only!
You even have the opportunity to win prizes just by being in attendance!
Attendees have the opportunity to schedule an appointment with one of our Medicare experts.
By registering and attending a virtual Medicare Expo, you are not obligated to enroll in a plan. Additionally, the current or future Medicare enrollment status will not be impacted.